Earn Great Returns
Tired of the low rates of returns on your bank CD's? Do you want to avoid the high volatility of the stock market and the fees charged by your broker or fund manager?
We are professional real estate investors that buy, renovate, redevelop, and sell property. Our high-yield Trust Deed lending opportunity is the perfect resource to earn the returns you deserve while mitigating the risks. Earn a set interest rate, secured by real property using your savings, bank CD’s, credit lines, or IRA & 401k retirement accounts. Using private lenders allows us to purchase the property paying “All Cash.” This gives us a much better opportunity to get the deal. It also allows us to avoid conventional bank financing hassles which are very time consuming and frustrating. We pay much higher rates to our investors compared to bank loans because the access to capital outweighs the higher costs to us. |
As the private lender you will have a trust deed lien on a property we are purchasing. You become the bank and are given the same protections a bank receives.
Don't settle for less! If you have capital that isn’t currently performing to your expectations, contact us and increase the yield on the same money you're investing now and enjoy the results!
My bank's current CD rate is about 1.75% APY and requires a $25k minimum investment to obtain that rate. $50,000 invested at an annual rate of 1.75% is $875. That same $50,000 invested with us at 8% (hypothetically) will earn you $4,000 over the same 12 months. That’s an additional $3,125 in your pocket within the exact same time period! To request more information on how to increase the earning power of your money, please complete the form below |
This is not a Security. The information provided herein is not intended to be for the purpose of soliciting a Security under State or Federal regulations. The information is intended to give the private investor information and education on alternatives to stock market investments, but is not intended to be a solicitation of a Security under SEC rules and definitions. This is intended to be an education on private lending transactions with the individual investments secured by real estate.
Copyright © 2022 Barnard Enterprises, Inc.